So much snow

no street cleaning service hereI don’t know if I have ever seen this much snow in Bulgaria. I have just been to hell and back on foot after I managed to get the 4×4 stuck in the drive of our lovely home on Vitosha Mountain. Driving in winter conditions has always been tricky but after 19 years I thought I’d got quite experienced.  I now REFUSE to leave the house again until all roads have been cleared! Municipal trucks cleared the main roads in such a way that they have blocked access to all smaller roads, the huge quantities of snow causing havoc even for jeeps with winter tyres.

For years our neighbours and us have clubbed together to pay a local tractor owner to come and clean our smaller streets, but since he damaged his tractor when he skidded last week – he is refusing to cooperate. So I saw no choice but to set off on foot to meet the kids off the school bus and pick up the bread I had ordered in the morning. Actually it felt good to get some exercise in the fresh air. But that was only downhill.

Less than half an hour later, walking uphill just as all the villagers decided  to light their coal stoves was like smoking 20 fags all at once! To top it off I decided to take a shortcut – through snow that was up to my thighs- what was I thinking??? All just to get my husband’s favourite bread.  I need my head examining.

About sofiatheinsider

Moved to Bugaria from the UK in 1993. Married to a Bulgarian. Involved in publishing English language guides to Sofia and other destinations in Bulgaria.
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4 Responses to So much snow

  1. Vesey says:

    Gorgeous photo! One of Todor’s?

  2. Vesey says:

    (I meant the one of the Cathedral)

  3. Diane says:

    Hi Paro, congratulations on the new blog! I’ve also just set up my own blog as part of my small creative design business which I recently started. I used to have a more personal blog via blogger which was a great way to keep in touch with family and friends before the days of FB 🙂

    I look forward to learning more about your life in Bulgaria. Best Wishes, Di x

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